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Álvaro Goula (Barcelona, 1989) and Pablo Figuera (Madrid, 1988) met while studying at the Elisava school (Barcelona). In 2012, they left the studio they had founded with friends to create Goula/Figuera Studio, where they develop contemporary product design for companies from different countries, experimental design and creative consultancy.

From 2013, to their work as designers they add university teaching, and in mid-2015 they present the Lines & Dots lamp collection, their first self-produced product. Lines & Dots is acclaimed by the press and has a great reception in the market. After two years of growing sales, in 2018 they launch GOFI, a new brand that expands the product portfolio towards furniture and accessories.

Their work has been exhibited in cities such as Stockholm, Frankfurt, Madrid, Barcelona and Milan, and has been awarded, among others, with the Delta de Oro, Design Plus, Premio Injuve and Lexus Design Award.

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