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Diabla, the new brand from GANDIABLASCO

Diabla Collection by GANDIABLASCO

Diabla Collection by GANDIABLASCO

Diabla Collection by GANDIABLASCO

Diabla Collection by GANDIABLASCO


Outdoor furniture company GANDIABLASCO unveiled its new brand Diabla at Habitat Valencia fair.  

The new brand is the result of the close relationship GANDIABLASCO has been striking up with upcoming designers at workshops, design fairs, the International Outdoor Furniture Design Contest it organises every year and as a result of the hundreds of product design proposals it receives from these newcomers. Diabla is its response to this new talent, aimed at bringing it on board and offering customers new ways to spend time out of doors.

As the Valencian company puts it, “We love the open air and that doesn’t just mean offering a new chair or table, but totally rethinking how to enjoy the outdoor life. We play with air, water, wind and sunlight so you can allow yourself the luxury of being free, letting your personality shine through and live unrestrained by fads and fashions. You can just be authentic, creative, happy and inspiring”. The Gandiablasco team are embarking on this fascinating journey under the leadership of architect and designer Sara Romero, founding partner at Romero Vallejo studio, who has been appointed to head up the Diabla brand. Its launch at Habitat Valencia fair was marked by the red colour of the brand’s furniture which proved a big draw for trade visitors to the show.

After more than 75 years in the business, GANDIABLASCO has taken on this new challenge as a natural next step for a company which already sells its Mediterranean-inspired furniture to more than 70 countries on all five continents.


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